Thursday, October 23, 2008

Halloweens Past

Since Halloween is coming up and I'll be posting pictures of their new costumes, I thought I'd post a few of Chase & Cole's costumes over the years.

Here's Chase in 2002. He was about 9 months old and loved his cowboy costume.

Since he was a cowboy in 2002, we decided he should be an indian in 2003. He refused to wear the feather on his head, but he did get the hang of saying "Trick or Treat" and collecting candy. He had a fever on Halloween night, but was a good sport anyway.

In 2004, Chase was a clown. We didn't think he'd wear the nose, but he did. The shoes slowed us down considerably, and since I was pregnant with Cole, I couldn't carry him all through the neighborhood, so we didn't make it to too many houses before Trick or Treating was over.

In 2005, Chase wanted to be spiderman, and I chose Mickey Mouse for Cole, who was only about 7 months old. Cole slept through Trick or Treating, but I carried him from house to house and collected candy for him.

In 2006, Chase was Captain Jack Sparrow. He LOVED this costume (and the sword). He actually lost the sword while trick or treating and was devastated, but someone found it in their front yard and returned it the next day.

Cole was a pirate too in 2006, but once again, he slept through the whole thing. We pushed him around in a car Chase won in a contest a few weeks before, so at least we didn't have to carry him that year. As you can see from the bags tied to the back of the car, he still managed to rack up on the candy.

In 2007, Chase was a ninja. The day before Halloween, he put his sword on the back of Charles' truck and it was lost somewhere between home and Charles' office, but he made do with a spare we had around the house and had a great time. He slept in this costume for most of the next year (and regularly scared Cole to death).

This was the first year Cole really got into Halloween. Cole had (and still has) a bit of a dinosaur obsession, and absolutely ADORED his dinosaur costume, despite the fact that it was a size too small and VERY warm for the weather we had. But Mr. Personality made the most of it and collected massive quantities of candy.

So that's it so far. We'll have a ninja and a dinosaur again this year (different costumes, though), and I'll be posting pictures of them soon. They try them on almost every night and are counting down the days until Halloween.

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